The large, diverse land base of the Sakimay First Nation is a major asset for Four Horse.
The total of 11,295 hectares (27,911 acres) includes land near Regina and Grenfell, in the city of Yorkton, and various agricultural areas of the province.
Almost 300 acres of land on the doorstep of the Global Transportation Hub offers development opportunities directly linked with this gigantic, $103 million addition to Canada’s transportation infrastructure.
Agricultural, residential and recreational land is part of the large, mixed base that is accessible through Four Horse.
The Corporation also has access to investment capital and a large, underutilized labour force.
Location. Opportunity. Support.

Four Horse Developments Ltd.
Welcome To
Commercial & Industrial Land Development

Our Story
Four Horse Developments Ltd. (FHDL) is a limited partnership mandated to create economic opportunities for the Zagime Anishinabek through the development and acquisition of businesses in compliance with the Four Horse Developments Limited Partnership Business Charter and Limited Partnership Agreement. We are, as well, the economic development arm of the First Nation based in Regina, Saskatchewan.
We have signed a memorandum of understanding that outlines responsibilities specific to Zagime Anishinabek Nations’ Regina West Lands; and also operate as an independent, arms-length organization that manages economic development and business investments for its shareholders. Our company is governed by its own business charter, articles of incorporation, bylaw, and Board of Directors.
Land Development
How We Can Help You

Industrial Land Development
With ample land close to Regina and the Global Transportation Hub, Four Horse can offer an ideal combination of access, space and flexibility to a wide range of businesses and industries. Whether you’re looking for raw land, developed land or a development partner, bring your ideas to Four Horse.

Real Estate & Housing Development
Four Horse is currently considering housing development in Yorkton, Melville and on the Zagime home Nations. We’re looking for good partners with great ideas to capitalize on strong housing markets together.

Agricultural/Bio Development
Our large, diverse land base offers a host of agricultural and biotechnology possibilities. Four Horse can provide land on a lease basis, letting you maintain complete control of your ag/bio project.

Business Services
Four Horse is prepared to look at all types of commercial, industrial, service and manufacturing leasing opportunities. Whatever you’re considering, we’d be happy to hear about it.
Shipping &
Logistical Support
Our land base just minutes from the Global Transportation Hub makes logistical support for shipping a natural fit. We are open to your ideas on ways to take advantage of a rare ground-floor opportunity.
Serving the Global Transportation Hub
The growth and development of the Global Transportation Hub will generate demand for a host of support services. Four Horse has already taken initial steps to profit from our proximity. We have more ideas … and we’d like to hear yours as well.
Energy & Resources
Green Energy and Resource Stewardship
Four Horse takes our role as guardians of the land very seriously. We believe it is possible to protect our environment while providing value and generating solid, sustainable profits by developing green energies and renewable resources. If that fits with your view of the future, let’s talk.
Carbon Capture
Carbon capture has the potential to create economic benefits for Four Horse and environmental benefits for everyone. The Corporation is anxious to discuss that potential with like-minded businesses and entrepreneur.

Latest Projects
A Look at Some of Our Latest Work

New Road Construction - Saulteaux Crossing
July 2022

New Road Construction - Saulteaux Crossing
August 2022

New Road Construction - Saulteaux Crossing
September 2022